Thursday, June 23, 2011

Finally an Update! 8 Months Home!

Life has been whirling by so quickly, here's an update on our adventures.  Addison is doing excellent!  She's full of life, wants to be busy every second, talks non-stop, HAS to do everything 'all by self', is somewhat fearless, especially when it comes to swimming (just finished 3rd level, and can float 'all by self').  Her preschool teachers call her 'a ray of sunshine', and she really is...she has a good heart and wants to help anyone who seems to need it...a little boy she just met bumped his head yesterday, and she asked me if she could kiss it better for she did...

She is more even-tempered now, and her and I are getting into a nice groove, with much less 'butting of the heads'.  She's very girly on one hand, wanting to put on dresses and be a 'princess' daily, but she also can run with the boys and tries to hang upside down on every apparatus in every park.  She's still picky with food at dinnertime, but can gobble down a peanut butter sandwich and chocolate milk in no time.  We've found a place that sells 'injera' (a flat Ethiopian bread) and she can scarf that down quickly too; especially when the nice lady gave us, for free, real homemade Ethiopian food to go with our injera!  Here she is with Scott on Father's Day.

Every day really is an adventure!